Vrindavan Mellows Part 2



CDs, DVDs and MP3s on Indian Music
The world’s largest collection of CDs and DVDs from India. Encompassing the entire spectrum of Indian culture, covering the following subject areas:

1). Hindu Music: BhajanMP3s, Bhakti Music, Stotras on various Hindu gods; Vishnu and Lalita Sahasranama, Vedic Chanting, Discourses on Hindu scriptures, Devotional Movies, DVDs covering aspects of Hinduism, Krishna Music, Chants of Shiva, Goddess Music, How to conduct Pujas, Aartis, Gayatri Japa, Temple Music on CDs, Worship of Hindu Gods, Durga Saptashati, and Devi Stutis.

2). Indian Classical Music: MP3s and Audio CDs, covering both Hindustani Music and Carnatic Music. Covering the finest in Indian music.

3). Discourses: Explanations by eminent persons on various Indian subjects like the Upanishads, Gita, Indian ethos of Management, Yoga Vasistha, Astavakra Gita and a large collection of discourses by Osho on DVD.

4).  The best of Indian cinema on DVD. Handpicked Bollywood DVDs, and CDs celebrating the music of Bollywood, including legends like A.R. Rahman. Also explore works of luminaries like Satyajit Ray (Bengali Cinema).

5). Teach Youself Series: DVDs to teach yourself various Indian art forms like Bharatanatyam, Tabla, Mridangam and Flute. Also learn various Indian languages like Hindu and Urdu through Audio CDs.

6). CDs and DVDs on Yoga, including those from the famous Swami Vivekananda Yoga Institute, Bangalore.

7). DVDs and CD ROMs on Indian culture, with a large number of DVDs on Ayurveda, and also a colelction of DVDs on rare Indian tribes.

8). Audio Books: POpular Indian books like the Abhijnanashakuntalam of Kalidasa and Mahatma Gandhi’s autobiography. Also famous novels of Premchand read out as audio books.

9). Buddhist CDs: Chants and Music of Buddhism.

10). For Children: DVDs of Animated Indian legends from the Mahabharata and Ramayana. The finest stories of R.K. Narayan, Tenali Rama etc, which were broadcasted as T.V. Serials. Plus the Little Krishna series, perhaps the finest animation ever c