Foreword by Chakrapani Ullal
Author’s Preface
Organization of the Book
Part One: The Vedic Astrology of Healing
1. The Vedic Vision
2. Astrology, Ayurveda and Yoga
3. Doshas and Planets: Prime Factors of Astrology and Ayurveda
4. Ayurvedic and Astrology Types
5. Disease Factors in Vedic Astrology
6. Vedic Astrology and Vedic Psychology
7. The Chakras and Yogic Astrology
Part Two: Astrological Treatment Measures
8. Outer Remedial Measures: Herbs, Aromas and Colors
9. Vedic Gem Therapy
10. Planetary Deities: Communing with the Cosmic Powers
11. Planetary Mantras
12. The Vedic Hymn to the Nine Planets
Part Three: Example Charts
13. Example Charts
Part Four: Appendices
1. The Vedic Rishis
2. Glossary
3. Sanskrit Pronunciation Key
4. Bibliography
5. Endnotes
About the Author
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