Practical Horary Astrology


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About the Book

Based on the simple principles of traditional horary astrology culled from classical works, this book is a guide to arrive at accurate answers to specific questions and situations concerning: Marriage, Children , Surgery, Loss and gain of articles, Money, travel aborad, fulfilment of Objectives, Business ventures, employment.

An excellent tool to make difficult decisions, Prasna astrology is brought to the reader in an easy to assimilate graded text.

About the Author
Gayatri Devi Vasudev is the Editor of The Astrological Magazine. She has worked closely with its Founder Editor Dr. B.V. Raman for nearly 3 decades.

Gayatri Devi Vasudev’s successful predictions include the assassination of Mjs, Indira Gandhi, the election of George Bush, Benazir Bhutto’s primeministership and exit, the end of the Rajiv era, the formation and continuation of the BJP led Government in India, the Kargil conflict, the primeininistership of A.B. Vajpayee, the fire in the Bharatpur arms depot, Nawaz Sharif’s exit, military rule in Pakistan, etc.

Gayatri Devi Vasudev has authored many books on astrology that include, besidees the present one, Clues to Interpreting Charts, The Art of Matching Charts and How to Judge a Horoscope — Volume II. She has also edited several works on astrology.

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