Chasing Rhinos With The Swami Vol I


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A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad changed the world. When he came to America from India in 1965, few Westerners knew the deep spiritual truths behind ancient Vedic culture and civilization.Within a decade most humans on the planet had heard the Hare Krishna mantra. Shyamasundar Das (Sam Speerstra) was one of the Swami s earliest disciples. In three volumes, Chasing Rhinos with the Swami describes in loving detail the seven years Shyamasundar spent at the side of the Perfect Person. Nothing was impossible for Srila Prabhupad, and he instilled this idea in the hearts of his first disciples: Go for the rhino! Volume One of the Chasing Rhinos trilogy is the intimate account of Bhaktivedanta Swami s amazing adventures in the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco, and with the Beatles in London, 1967-1970. These unique eye-witness stories have never been revealed in this special way, and will never be told this way again. Reading this deeply-researched treasure should be sadhana (spiritual practice) for every aspiring seeker.

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