Bhavishya Purana Vol.1



The Bhavishya Purana is the eleventh among the Puranas and it contains four parts. The first part contains a description of the genesis, greatness of the deities and worship of Lord Vishnu, Shiva and Surya. Second, third and fourth parts describe about the greatness of Shiva, Vishnu and Surya respectively. Like other Puranas, Bhavishya Purana also contains a description of the ancient kings and Chandra and Surya dynasties. The four parts include 216, 62, 100, and 208 chapters. The specific appeal of this Purana is that it narrates incidents that will occur in the future, as well as accounts that happened in the distant past. This first volume covers chapters 1 – 22, there is an elaborate exposition of the auspicious and inouspicious characteristics of men and women, and in the course of this description, there is much information on Vedic physiognomy. Transliterated text and translation, translation / editing by Bhumipati / Purnaprajna As in all Vedic literature, we are not simply dealing with that which is perceivable to our gross senses. There is certainly much being enacted on a very subtle platform at least that is my personal conviction. Such things may be witnessed by us, but their affects upon us cannot be denied. Physiognomy falls into that category. The Vedic understanding is that the gross body of a living entity is manifested according to the condition of the subtle body, or mind. Thus, the condition of one