The crest jewel Parama Bhagavata, Sri Narada who is the master on the ontology of prema the Transcendental love of Sri Radha Govinda for spiritual welfare of mankind as well as to enundate the mystic devotees has enunciated in this Treatise Bhakti of its both the kinds viz. Vajdhi and Raganuga.
He has unreservedly proved that bhakti is the very characteristic of the Jiva Soul but at the state of bondage get a chance by dint of his some unknown sukriti to have Sadhusanga association with any unalloyed devotee of Lord Vishnu Krishna Bhakti gets manifested in the soul. Bhakti is nourished through Shruti viz Transcendental process of Shravana and: Kirtana of the Transcendental names and Glories of God but to culture that one must lead a life in accordance with the smirti which is known as Vaidhi-Bhakti. Here bhakta should be abiding by the rules and regulation of the Shastra. But when a devotee gains atmarati he transcends there mundanity and arrives at the plane of Transcendnce; there his heart becomes unstinted and fully blossomed with love. Now he cannot be restricted by any rule or regulation of the Shastra Whereas as it were his heart is flooded with love like the reverse in flood inundating everything else. Here a devotee under the benediction of a Ragatmika Bhakta close associate of Sri Krishna the supreme God Par excellence an elevated Jiva-soul imbibes the sentiment of Raganuga-Bhakti.
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