The opening of Gaudiya Sanga’s Sri Indraprastha Gaudiya Matha, Delhi, on 30 January 1964 was attended by many great spiritual preceptors, such as Srila Bhaktivedanta Svami Maharaja, who spread Krsna consciousness throughout the world, Srila Bhakti Saranga Gosvami Maharaja, the founder of Gaudiya Sanga and Srila Bhakti Saurabha Bhaktisara Maharaja. In the realm of spiritual relationship they are the affectionate uncles of Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja and they following timeless discourse in which he succinctly and scientifically explained the eternal nature and function of the soul, our temporary and acquired nature, the supreme goal of all quotes from the Vedas and Srimad – Bhagavatam, the most exalted of India’s ancient sacred texts, he extracted from them essence of knowledge for the benefit of all. This lecture was spoken in Hindi and first published in hte Hindi magazine Sri Bhagavat – patrika under the title Nitya – dharma. It was later translated into English for Raya of The harmonist. Now this article has been carefully adapted to facilitate readers who are new to Sanskrit terminology and to the tenets of pure Vaisnavism. It is the heartfelt prayer of the tenets publishers that this book will inspire those sincere souls who are yearning for knowledge of absolute truth. Contents Preface The Story of Indra and Virocana 1 The Soul’s True and Acquired Natures 6 The Nature of the Infinitesimal Soul 7 The Relationship Between God and The Living Entity 10 Divisions of Religion 12 The Nature and Science of Pure Devotion 16 The Glories of Chanting the Holy Name – Sankirtana 18 The Development of Bhakti, or Devotion 19 True Religion and Cheating Religions 22
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