Krsnalingita Vigraha – Always Embraced by Krsna (Volume 1 in 2 Parts)



KrsnaLingita Vigraha (Volume-1 Part-1)”A Foreign Element in this Material World”1(1929-1974)

KrsnaLingita Vigraha (Volume-1 Part-2)”Have you Taken Sannyasa?”(1974-1979)

This book is on the glorious life of Srila Gour Govinda Swami, who was an emissary from the spiritual world. From his first days on planet Earth he was surrounded by hari-kirtana and hari-katha. He was born in a family of great Vaisnava kirtaneers, and they are the most famous kirtaneer family of Orissa (Odisha). Many of their family members have picked their time of leaving this world, left with a mighty kirtana going on and the day they leave on is the appearance day of Srila Narottama dasa Thakura. This book discusses the life of Srila Gour Govinda Swami from his divine birth, teenage years, married life and subsequent life as a great renunciant and Vaisnava. A must read for anyone who is interested in the lives of great saints.