The Krsna-karnamrta, by Bilvamangala Thakura (he was also known as Lilasukha), it was one of Lord Caitanya’s favorite works. He would often listen to his secretary, Svarupa Damodara Gosvami, chant verses from the Karnamrta during the latter portion of His pastimes, in Jagannatha Puri. The poetry of the Karnamrta is unsurpassed in Vaishnava annals; it is recognized as a classic of Vaisnava literature. Translated by Kusakratha Dasa, edited by Purnaprajna Dasa. This book is actually intended for those who are advanced in the devotional service of the Lord. While reading this book, one should always keep in mind that these transcendental pastimes are absolutely distinct from the mundane pastimes of so-called love engaged in by the conditioned souls of this world. Our pastimes of so-called love are mere perverted reflections of these original, spiritual pastimes, and are enacted on the material, bodily platform. There is an absolute distinction, as there is an absolute distinction between gold and iron, and so one should never try to drag these loving exchanges down to the platform of lusty affairs between men and woman in this material world.
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