Dasa Mula Tattva (Hard-binding)



The ten pillars of the temple of Vedic Truth erected by Bhaktivinoda Thakura in his preaching work. These ten esoteric essential truths contain the whole range of Vedic knowledge. The Dasa-mula-tattva is the blueprint of Bhaktivinoda’s teachings.

Bhaktivinoda Thakura has crafted a magnificent structure elucidating the teachings of Sri Chaitanya, who taught three esoteric, yet most relevant, absolute realities: (1) We are souls who have an eternal relationship with Krishna; (2) there is a process to revive our lost relationship, and (3) the ultimate necessity and reality is living in that relationship with Krishna.

The Thakura systematically lays out ten essential truths based on these three points. There is a chapter about the nature of infallible proof, three chapters about Krishna, three chapters about the jiva (we souls), one chapter about how everything is simultaneously one with and different from God, and two chapters on how pure devotional service is perfection and the ultimate goal of everyone